Animal Pak
The ultimate one-pack solution to fill all your nutritional gaps. Loaded with 85+ bio-optimized nutrients with everything your body needs to Unleash Your Strong.
Also available in great tasting powder.
Better performance and 25% less pills - concentrated formula delivers the benefits of 12 supplements in one convenient pill pack, now with only 8 pills
Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Daily Nutritional and Immune Support
Optimized nutritional values of to meet the daily vitamin, mineral and herb needs of athletes including Zinc, Vitamins C, B, D, Amino Acids, and more
Includes Scientifically Validated Spectra™
Spectra™ is an all-natural blend of 29 fruits, vegetables, and herbs to help increase blood flow to muscles and support cellular energy through improved oxygen
Added Support for Immunity and Bioavailability
Boosted with spirulina, chlorella, and ginkgo biloba to help further charge the body’s natural immune response plus AstraGin® to help improve nutrient bioavailability
Frequently asked questions
What is Animal Pak?
What is Animal Pak?
How many pills are in 1 pack of Animal Pak?
How many pills are in 1 pack of Animal Pak?
How many mg of caffeine is in Animal Pak?
How many mg of caffeine is in Animal Pak?
How do I use Animal Pak?
How do I use Animal Pak?
What can I stack Animal Pak with?
What can I stack Animal Pak with?
The directions for Animal Pak say I should take 2 packs. Can I just take 1 pack?
The directions for Animal Pak say I should take 2 packs. Can I just take 1 pack?
Why do the new Animal Pak pills look different?
Why do the new Animal Pak pills look different?
What type of pine bark is in Animal Pak?
What type of pine bark is in Animal Pak?
customer reviews
Made in the USA
Good manufacturing practice
UL Certified
Ironclad quality & guarantee