Stak Product
Animal Stak
Animal Stak
Animal Stak
Animal Stak
Animal Stak

20 calories 

500mg BCAAs 

2g of sugar 

2275mg L-Glutamine 

Animal Stak

Reach your strength goals; Elevate testosterone & build lean muscle



SKU: U3023

20 calories 

500mg BCAAs 

2g of sugar 

2275mg L-Glutamine 

Red Power Fist Icon

Animal Stak is a comprehensive, natural, anabolic, performance supplement designed to help men build lean muscle. The supplement is packed with five unique complexes to boost natural testosterone levels and support growth hormone (GH) elevation giving you increased muscle mass, strength, energy, and vitality.

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Frequently asked questions

Is Animal Stak safe for females?

Yes, Animal Stak contains natural ingredients that boost endogenous hormones (internal) and creates an environment to create more muscle growth and strength.

Do I need to run a PCT after running Stak?

No, there is no need to do so. Our products increase your natural hormone production by means of natural ingredients, not by introducing outside hormones to the system.

Can you stack Animal Test and M-Stak with Stak?

Yes, you can stack both Test and M-stak with Stak. 3-week cycle of Test and Stak, followed by a 3-week cycle of M-Stack only.

Should Animal Stak be cycled?

The cycle period for Animal Stak is 21 days on and then 7 days off. After 3 completes cycles, we suggest taking a month off before proceeding with another cycle.

In Animal Stak, which pill contains vitamin B6?

You can avoid consuming the vitamin B6 in Animal Stak by removing the 2 blue capsules.

What's the difference between Animal Stak and Animal M-Stak?

Although we designed both Animal Stak and Animal M-Stak to be natural anabolics, they each work differently. Animal Stak is a natural hormone booster that works with your body to enhance key anabolic hormone levels, including testosterone and growth hormone. Animal M-Stak, on the other hand, works to promote anabolism by increasing protein synthesis, nutrient partitioning, and nitrogen retention while reducing muscle catabolism. In short, Animal Stak can help with performance and strength whereas Animal M-Stak can help with gaining lean mass and size. You can combine the two to get the best of both worlds.

How do I use Animal Stak

Take a single pack daily for 21 straight days. On training days, take it 30-45 minutes before lifting. On non-training days, take it prior to bed. For best results, "cycle" this product following a schedule of three weeks on and one week off. Although users who are 25 years or older will achieve best results, it could benefit others due to its ability to help modulate free test levels. Consider "stacking" Animal Stak with either Animal Test or Animal M-Stak for even greater gains. You can find theses products stacked together here.

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Made in the USA

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Good manufacturing practice

UL Certified

UL Certified

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