When everything is going great, it’s easy to stay motivated; you feel like you’re on top of the world. But when the world is steadily crushing you, then what?
My end goal is to be the strongest in the world. It’s always in the back of my mind. But talking about getting there and actually getting there are two different things. I have to do meet after meet to build up to it, gradually adjusting every cycle to maximize my progress. This kind of methodical thinking isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but the path to success isn’t always paved with gold. Although proper planning is ideal, it isn’t always feasible so structure and routine will help you achieve your goal.
Setbacks are a part of powerlifting and strength sports. Injuries are inevitable when you’re pushing your body to the max. Life also comes into play, and other factors, such as significant others, job, or other hardships, can act as detours to your goals. The path for you may have twist and turns, but the path is still the same.
Over time I have developed an obsession with seeing things through. The level of commitment may be extreme, but that’s what sets the good apart from the great. Seeing other powerlifting competitors get after it keeps me focused. I enjoy this aspect of social media—seeing the grind of hard work and motivation. I get fired up knowing there’s people I can put on the “hit list.” This is my competitive nature. Competing and being able to showcase that hard work makes me feel alive.
What is my advice for maintaining a competitive mindset when there are no meets in sight? 1. Write down your goals where you can see them consistently every day. 2. Put yourself in the best position possible for success. This means sleep when you are supposed to, eat what you need to, and train hard as fuck every chance you get. 3. While your main goal may seem far away, focus on the task at hand. If you knock out your short term goals, you will maintain your determination to the end.