Like everyone, I was asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I had no idea, but I fortunately had the opportunity to test the waters. I won’t bore you with the details of my short-lived football career...we’ll save that for a different time. Around 2011-2012, football stalled, yet my passion for training grew. It was all I knew and, in my mind, it was everything I had. I started to study personal training and bodybuilding, which enhanced my training quite a bit from the basics that I had learned in high school. I trained like a mad man and developed a new obsession with packing on mass and throwing around heavy weight.
My mindset once again shifted. I became accustomed to being obsessed with a sport, a task, or a project. I was never just the best at any one thing. I’d call myself a jack of all trades but—you know the rest—a master of none. I believe those critical formative years catapulted me to find my ultimate obsession: powerlifting. It is the one thing that has combined my strength, passion, and will in a sport I’ve grown to love.
Powerlifting is the platform that has allowed me to continue to excel at my obsession with strength sports. In the end, no one can take away my strength and my pride. In 2015, I competed at my first powerlifting meet. I signed up on a whim because my friend Destiny told me to try it just for fun. I fell in love instantly and immediately signed up for another meet four weeks later. During that second meet, I felt the fire light inside me. I knew the sport was my calling. I checked rankings, looked at numbers, and researched world records. I was obsessed.
I spent the next nine months training and competing before finally giving myself a break. At that point, I totaled 2,055lb. After competing at the LA Fit Expo, the satisfaction quickly dissipated. I was hungry for more. I wanted to be the strongest powerlifter in the world. I still tell myself this every day and I keep an affirmation that reminds me of this on my desk at work. It’s always on my mind. Even during my hospital stays with rhabdo and a torn patellar tendon, I still felt the nagging need to accomplish this goal.
Though I’ve made immense strides in the sport, I’m not satisfied. I truly believe you’re only as good as your last meet. Even though BOB 6 was my first meet back after my patellar surgery, in my mind, I wasn’t good enough. I failed myself. I was disappointed with my total and overall performance; I wanted and needed more from myself. I strive to better myself every day and do what I must to get there. Whether or not I actually attain this goal is solely up to me. At the end of the day, I hold the key to my own greatness. Buckle up because it’s already been one hell of a ride.