CrossFit Athlete Sidney Wilson reveals why she chose to get into CrossFit and what kept her going.

Why CrossFit?

When considering different options on how to get fit, I decided upon CrossFit at the young age of 17. During my softball years, I had a coach that would take us to a CrossFit box for conditioning training. While I hated every second of it, I loved the feeling after—the exhaustion, the endorphins, the feeling of accomplishment. I even loved the soreness that lingered on for days.

Fast forward to 2015. I had stopped playing softball and gained a tremendous amount of weight. I tried regular globe gyms but didn’t possess the confidence or assertiveness to learn and grow in that setting. So I went back to what I knew. I joined a box that charged me $125 a month, which was a lot for a teenager that made $7.25 an hour at McDonald’s. But I knew this was something that I wanted.

My 6 a.m. class was filled with adults that were twice my age, but they were so supportive and have remained supportive through social media all these years. Every time I would start to beat myself up or feel inadequate, they would always uplift me and encourage me. This kind of support is infamous in the CrossFit community.

One thing that I loved—and still love—about CrossFit is the doctrine of “leaving your ego at the door.” It’s cool to PR, lose weight, and attain gymnastics, but don’t let your ego control you. Always be willing to be kind and help a newer member. Always be supportive. Always be hungry for more.

When I moved gyms in 2017, I found a family. This was a community that has seen me change and grow since I was 18. I’m glad that I chose CrossFit before a regular gym because I gained confidence, assertiveness, knowledge, and the drive to always listen to my body and perfect form over lifting heavy weights in a crazy and unsafe manner. CrossFit helped me build a foundation structurally that I am able to utilize moving forward into my first NPC Figure show this coming July.

The competitive side of CrossFit is beautiful. You don’t have “beef” or “drama.” There’s no “I’m going to obliterate you at this comp.” Instead, there are growing friendships and support. The first competitor to finish is usually the one still on the competition floor, rooting for the last-place finisher!

In a CrossFit box you’re not alone. I, myself, coach CrossFit at CrossFit DeVille and CrossFit Grayson. I love seeing people that have previously been sedentary accomplish major goals like increasing mobility, losing weight, gaining confidence, and gaining a network of friends. Most people that I’ve met within the community are, to this day, my true friends that constantly support me in and out of the gym.